Microblading Eyebrows

Information on Microblading Eyebrows
What is Microblading:

Microblading is a very meticulous process which takes about 2.5 hours to complete.  It is a form of tattooing where pigment is implanted under the skin by means of tiny, sterile needles to produce the appearance of hairlike strokes with a handheld tool. It is a perfect choice for those who are looking for a fuller brow, defined, cover gaps or fill in brows which have been over plucked.


The following restrictions are to ensure your skin is in the best possible condition for an amazing microblading procedure. Please read carefully:
  • Please do not work out the day of the procedure as the body heat will expands the pores.   
  • Avoid heavy sunlight and especially sunburn 3 days before procedure. Skin should not be in process of healing before procedure!
  • Avoid blood thinners for minimum of 72 hours.
  • Do NOT drink coffee or anything with caffeine at least 24 hours before the procedure. 
  • Do NOT take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen, omega-3, unless medically necessary, 48-72 hours prior to the procedure. (Tylenol or acetaminophen is okay!)
  • Do NOT drink alcohol 24 hours before the procedure. 
The following treatments should avoided within four weeks of the procedure:
  • Botox or other fillers 
  • Chemical Peels
  • Laser treatments
  • If you have any questions about these restrictions, please give us a call! We're happy to help.

What to Expect:

Your microblading appointment will last anywhere from 2-3 hours. A touch up appointment lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the amount of work that needs touching up.
A standard appointment will have the following steps:
1.  First the microblading will discuss with you if you'd like something bold or natural? Do they wear makeup everyday or just special occasions? What face shape does the client have? This interview will help the artist create the best brows for their client.

2. Next the artist will draw the eyebrows directly on the client’s face.  This will be the artist’s guide for the microblading procedure. This also allows the client to see the final look before any permanent work is performed.

3. The artist will start microblading your brows based on what was agreed with the client.

4. Finish by wiping off the excess ink. Except for some redness, the client will be ready to go back out in public, no problem.

5. A photograph will be taken and with the permission of the client may be posted on the website as before and after.
All microblading requires a second touch up appointment, because all client’s skin is different and receives the ink differently. It's impossible to accurately predict how a pigment will be affected by a client’s undertones.
After 4 - 6 weeks, the client should return for a touch up. 
They may also reapply any parts of the microbladed brow that may have naturally sloughed off because the artist didn't go deep enough in the skin.

Aftercare Instructions:

 DAYS 1-14:
Make sure to wash the micro bladed are each night and apply the aftercare ointment I gave you.
At night, use your clean fingertips or a clean lightly wet gauze to gently cleanse your eyebrows for 10-15 seconds.
Avoid using any cleansing products that contain exfoliants or acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA).
Keep in mind the cleansing shouldn't be a thorough scrub-down, it just needs to be done by rubbing the microbladed area in a soft, smooth manner.
Dry the entire eyebrow area completely by blotting it with a clean towel.
Use a clean finger or a q-tip to apply a small amount of the microblading aftercare ointment (size of grain of rice) to the microbladed area. Do not apply the ointment unless the area is dry.
Less is more when considering how much ointment to apply; the amount applied to each eyebrow should be comparable in size to half of a grain of rice.
Microblading aftercare ointment should only be applied twice per day max  to avoid suffocating the skin and interfering with the skin’s natural healing process.

***It's critical to avoid the following for 14 days after your microblading procedure or until the microbladed area is completely scab free.
Touching the microbladed area except when washing or applying aftercare ointment.
Scratching, picking or peeling the microbladed area, as it can cause scarring and/or color loss.
Applying any makeup, moisturizer, lotion, or sunscreen to the treated area.
Sun exposure - sun tanning - salon tanning (should be avoided for a minimum of 4 weeks)
Laser or chemical peels, and any other form of exfoliation.
Exercise - participating in sports and activities that induce perspiration
Long, hot baths or showers - jacuzzis - saunas - swimming
Applying any creams to your face or neck containing retinol or glycol acid..
Engaging in tasks like heavy household cleaning where airborne debris can become prevalent.
Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, as it can cause wounds to heal slower.
Transportation in open-air-vehicles where strong wind is likely, for example; driving in cars with windows down, convertibles, motorcycles, bicycles, and boats.

Resume your normal activities except, continue to avoid laser or chemical peels and forms of exfoliation, and any creams containing retinal or glycolic acid until after the completion of your microblading touch up appointment, and its healing process as well.
How Long Will it Last:
As the body is unique and every client is different, the treatment can last about 1-5 years, depending on your skin and life style.  Touhups are recommended every 1 - 1.5 years to freshen them up, however if you do not freshen them up they will fade out over time as the skin cells regenerate and shed.

Is Microblading Painful:

Every precaution necessary is taken to ensure that it is a pain are as possible.  A combination of 2 anaesthetics are used to ensure your comfort before & during the procedure.  Some clients find the procedure a little uncomfortable, whereas other clients report no discomfort at all.

Who Should Avoid Microblading:
1.  Those prone to keloids or post-inflammatory hypopigmentation. Unfortunately, since microblading punctures the skin as we add ink, we cannot work with clients with these conditions.

2.  If you have a transmittable blood disease such as HIV or Hepatitis. Again, microblading artists cut the skin so it is our policy not to work with these conditions.

3.  If you’ve had Juvederm or other fillers in that area. Depending on the timing, we recommend to get microblading first! Otherwise, check with your doctor. Many artists may request a note from your doctor first.

4.  Patients undergoing chemotherapy. Although microblading is great for restoring eyebrows, we would require a doctor’s note in order to perform the procedure for anyone undergoing chemotherapy.

5.  If you have any kind of skin condition on or near your eyebrows. This includes eczema, shingles, rashes, or anything else near eyebrows.

6.  It is our policy at not to work with children under the age of 18, even with a consent form.

7.  If you are pregnant or breast feeding.

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